Friday Favourites September 29th

For the past few week’s I’ve been starting each day by nervously scanning the hurricanes in the Atlantic before relaxing with my morning cup of coffee and browsing my Pinterest feed.  What popped up this week?  See what my favourite Pins were below!  Don’t forget to click on the images for sources and Pin YOUR favourite for later.

ONE: When you live on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean the only way to get stuff is by cargo ship.  Everything in our container is secured to wooden palettes so when a delivery comes we find ourselves with STACKS of them.  For the most part, the wood is in pretty good condition and since it’s heat treated (not chemically treated) we encourage everyone to help themselves any time (serious – take as many as you want).  After a little sanding it’s amazing what you can do with free wood – like this palette garden!

TWO: If you’re looking for a fun and funky way to show off your stuff try this DIY adjustable pegboard.  You’ll be able to arrange and rearrange the shelves to suit your needs and it won’t cost a fortune to make a large scale pegboard to fit your space.  It’s a great way to tidy up the entry or the kitchen!

THREE:  At our house we take off our shoes at the door.  It helps to keep our rugs clean and makes weekly chores that much easier.  Now you can built your own DIY wood door mat with some simple tools, easy to get materials and this handy tutorial.

FOUR: For the past couple of weeks I’ve been on an organizing kick.  I’m cleaning out drawers and purging cabinets.  My husband is not happy.  While I am an avid supporter of getting rid of things that are no longer useful, he has borderline hoarder tendencies.  Those rocks on our living room bookcases?  He found them on the beach years ago and took them home because he “liked the shape.”  I would like to see them in their natural environment – OUTSIDE – but apparently marriage is an exercise in compromise so they will remain on the bookcase until … well … forever.  Last weekend I did decide to clean out the closet and this decluttering lesson from Marie Kondo proved very useful.

FIVE: I have resigned myself that since my husband is in charge of decorating the bedroom (that includes picking the paint colour) the walls will be forever beige.  That doesn’t mean I can’t dream about a rich colour like this teal though.  Maybe I can bribe him with a puppy?

There’s more where this came from!  See thousand of our decorating and design Pins on our boards here. If you liked this post don’t forget to check back next week to see what’s new on the blog but if you can’t wait  our Facebook page is updated daily with amazing spaces, design tips and DIY projects.  Or get a sneak peak at life behind the scenes at the paint store (and more stunning rooms) on our Instagram here.

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