Storing Your Stuff – Closet Alternatives

Let’s face it – there is no such thing as too much closet space.  I will also be the first to admit that I have way too much stuff (especially in the clothing and shoe department) that takes up way too much room.  Fortunately, I have two extra closets for the overflow but lately I’ve been making a conscious effort to sort, consign or donate those items I no longer want or need.

But what do you do when you have NO closet? The first place to start would be a serious edit of what stays and what goes.  Also remember, in most cases, your stuff will be on display so organize what you’re keeping either by colour, length or category (all pants together, then dresses, shirts – you get the idea.)  Throw out all those wire hangers and invest in a pretty matching set.  To keep small items like belts and scarves tidy and  out of sight, pick up baskets or boxes for stacking.

One of the easiest ways to keep your clothes organized without a closet is a simple garment rack.   Even though this requires a serious clothing edit, it’s easy to move around so you can put it anywhere.

Put two together with a mirror in the middle to create a stylish but tidy dressing area like this one from one of my favourite blogs Apartment Therapy.

You can also add other furniture pieces like dressers or shelves to make a larger unit that will hold more stuff.

Every time I “organize” my husband has a chuckle since it usually involved me stuffing things into baskets or boxes.  My philosophy is “if you can’t see it – it doesn’t exist”.  Well, when your closet space is out there for the world to see, it’s helpful to have some bins you can use to store (neatly) accessories like belts and bags.

If you know your way around a few basic power tools and want to get a more polished look, this open closet solution from Ana White is a stunner.  You can customize the size and impress all your friends with your DIY skills.  Click on the image below for the easy to follow tutorial.

If you prefer a bit more privacy for your “closet” space, use a heavy curtain in a chic colour or print.  You can either opt to install it with a tension rod that’s easy to put up and can be taken down any time or a more permanent rod that’s attached to the wall.

This bedroom almost makes me want to GET RID of my closet!  Pull the bed away from the wall a couple of feet to create a stunning dressing space.  Bonus, if you make a bit of a mess it won’t be the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning.

Instead of a curtain you can also use an old interior door to keep your clothes private.  I love this clever design from Better Homes and Gardens!

If your small space has tall ceilings use that extra space to go up with your closet!  I’m short so I love the idea of this library ladder plus what a creative way to sneak in a home work space.

Remember your entire closet is going to be on display and that’s an opportunity to show off your style so why not make your “closet” feel like a fancy department store?  Even a simple wooden down can become a show piece when capped with brass ends.

Now if you excuse me, all this closet talk has gotten me inspired for a little Fall cleaning of my own!

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